Thursday, October 14, 2010

too much living

Life is getting in the way of blogging. I started this project to make time for myself and alas...

I've had some thoughts I wanted to write about...

1. My garbage collector looks a lot like my ex-boyfriend. This gives me a wicked sense of glee.
2. Babies are like lovers, you can't seem to get enough of them, you hold them, snuggle them, smell them, and cherish every strand of hair on their heads.
3. Politics is so depressing for the reasons of the pathetic politicians and the idiots who vote for them.
4. Waiting for society to figure things out (ie: evolution, homosexuality, global climate change) is tedious and unfair to the rest of us who are worried about real problems (clean food and water sources, renewable fuel).
5. Laughing with a friend is worth its weight in pure gold. The sensation of having to pee due to excessive laughter is like the thrill of going on an awesome roller coster ride.

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